Det gjenstår bare tre store.
I am always delaying the binding, but this month three small quilts have got binding, only three big left.
De seks lappene fra Dear Jane kurset fikk følge av tre andre lapper jeg hadde liggende,
the six pieces from the Dear Jane course have and three other pices from long time ago.
Nærbilde av de ni delene. Close up picture of the the nine pieces.
"Gutte teppe" bursdagsgave til barnebarnet. A boys quilt, birthday present for my grandchild.Nærbilde av seilbåtdelen, close to the sailboat.
Del av krabbeteppe, part of the last quilt.
Krabbeteppet ble hundegodkjent, the dogs approved the quilt.The next projects to finish are binding on the three big quilts and Scandinavian Christmas.
Still waiting for part two of Fernhill, Stitched by me and Berries and Blubirds.
Lucily I always have a lot to sew, and this weekend is two days longer than normal since school is closed on Monday.
Her viser du masse fint! Gøy med krabbeteppe i friske farger,og lille barnebarn blir jo kjempeglad for gutteteppet!Jeg har nettopp kjøpt mønsterboken,skal bli fint å sy en dag. Fantastisk DEAR JANE teppe, hyggelig å se det ferdig:-)